My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013


CLASS                          SEXUALITY                       LANGUAGE

BODY                       MICROAGGRESSIONS   


IMMIGRATION STATUS                               RACE         

     In the school I have seen children of color, or another culture and how the other children makes groups and ignore them, they don't like to sit or talk with them sometimes I heard agreesive language like they stink. Dr. Sue states,"Insulting message often causes several phycological strees and harm."(Laurate,2011) For me is painful to see such young children hurt or feel bad for the others. They discriminate people of different culture or if they are black. Many times I have to guide these children, let them know that we are humans, differents but we have feelings, we need to respect each other, is important to accept and to learn from our difference.
Be aware  interacting with people ,share and intimate with them, foster in school and cooperative environment. As a teacher for me is important to have more knowledge in microaggression , to help the good development of the children and their families.

Laureate Education,Inc.2013. Microaggressions in Everyday life (video).Retrieved from @X@EmbeddedFile.requestUrlStub.

2 comentarios:

  1. Maria-

    As a fellow educator, I understand your feelings of hurt in seeing kids separate and exclude others. What are some ways, besides having conversations, that you think our students would benefit and learn from in order to decrease these situations?


  2. Maria, you are correct I seem this situation over and over again, and you cannot hold the child responsible because they are just acting out what they see the grown-ups do children live by what are putting in front of them and by what they hear. good post! grow ups. Because children know when they are being made fun of. They are people also they are just little people. Good Post!
