My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Time well spent

My deeply feelings during this course :

 “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation. ”John F.Kennedy.


·         I want to transmit others what is my passion In thinking always in the well-being of the children, let them grow in a healthy environment without bias and prejudices.

·         I think a teacher need to have the passion in what she does, love and joy.

·         To keep going in what you want, have courage, speak up, and learn form our mistakes.


During this course in MS ECS, I learned in that a Teacher need to know that the first years of life in a children are vital, is time for them to learn, explore, and play, we need to guide children with the correct skills and give them the necessary tools that they will need in their future . The development of each children is in our hands, we need to support all the children needs, advocate for them. Respect, and accept our difference, our culture, be aware about bias and prejudices. Be more humans, more sensitive, listen in a better way and try to maintain a good communication with families and parents. The involvement of parents in our class is important for the good succeed of their children.

My long term goal is in always be a voice for each individual children, make a difference in education. To have the possibility to open in a future my own pre-school where all children could learn and grow with love and care.


                                                                                        I want to said thanks for the support , feedback and comment of my colleagues, I wish each of them good luck and the best in their future. Dr. Davis, Thanks for understand that for me is difficult to express all of my passion in a work, and sometimes I had grammatical mistakes, Thanks for your support.

“All children are created whole, endowed with innate intelligence, with dignity and wonder, worthy of respect. ”Every girl and boy is entitled to love, to dream, and belong to a loving village. And to pursue a life of purpose. Louise Derman-Sparks.


“The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives. ”Anthony Robbins.


“It is in playing, and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.” D.W. Winnicott.      



If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.

If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.

If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate.

If children live with fairness, they learn justice.

If children live with security, they learn faith.

If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.

If children live with acceptance, and friendship. they learn to find love in the world. By, Dorothy law Nolte.

Maria Mino.




jueves, 10 de abril de 2014



I chose this organization because it’s an organization around the world, and gives to the children what every child deserve, the opportunity to learn and protection for harm. As an Early childhood teacher who always wants to advocate for children, I like this organization, where help and protect children and create positive change in their lives.

      Save the children have many opportunities for work www.jobapplicationmatch,org

There’s a position for a Teacher, Early Head Start, and Full time Employee.

Is responsible for general and day to day operations for a head start center, communication with parents, and the community, supervision and supervision of staff.

A Head Start Teacher need to: Plans and implements classrooms activities based on the individual needs of the children.

Provide education for preschool children foster growth and development in all developmental domains. Plan daily activities with other teachers to reflect curriculum areas, individualized, instruction, and integration. Conducts classrooms activities, Provides a safe environment, and outdoor play area.

With family activities: a Head Start Teacher need to conduct and documents home visits, conduct parent-teacher conferences, plans family activities, participates in an individualized continuing education plan including CPR and first Aid.

Requirements: Minimum a CDA credential with infant/toddle, CDA credential and be trained in early childhood development, some experience working with infants. AA degree or higher with 15 credits in ECE, with emphasis on infants. Ability to work collaboratively with assistant teacher, other staff and community partners in the provision of high-quality services to children and families. Ability to work with children with disabilities. Satisfy criminal background check, TB test and physical exam. Knowledge of the purpose of the head star. Ability to drive, a good driver record.


  Is another Organization that fights for children’s rights and welfare, the mission iss to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.

If you want to see job opportunities:

Working for Unesco you need to:

·         Participating in an ongoing dialogue among nations

·         Understanding the new global issues

·         Making a personal commitment and joining a strong team

·         promote multiculturalism

·         Education: university degree in education, culture, science, social and human sciences or communication or in a field linked directly to the management and administration of an international organization.

·         Awareness of the multiple facets of a multicultural world and a commitment to international public service are essential.

·         an excellent knowledge of either French or English

·         As a rule, two to three years’ experience for junior professionals four to eight years’ experience for middle-ranking professionals.


     I chose Unicef, because is another organization who priority is the children. This organization, protect children’s from poverty, help and support in their development, disease, disabilities, is an organization that advocated always for the children.” Was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path.”( UNICEF).

     I think will be so interesting to work in this Organization, finding funding for vital supplies for children during an emergency, or dedicating each day to efforts to eradicate a killer disease.” It will be a good experience for learned more, and being more humans.

You need a Masters or Graduate degree program, and to fill some forms online.

I will love to work in one of these organizations, because I’m a passion teacher that advocate for children rights, and always think in their needs. I Think if each of us cares about the welfare of children and know a little more about some organization that are doing an excellent work in children’s needs, if we could put our desire in being part of them and support, always thinking in give a better world, for each child, where they could grow happy, and safe.




    United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

     United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2011). Retrieved from

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level


     I’m a Passion teacher that wants the best for the children, I always wants to advocated for them, I want that children life and development in a better world, when they can play, and learn and nobody hurts their feelinds,where  they speak up if something is wrong, learn and grow in a healthy and safely environment without bias, and where they learn values, to be more humans, respect to others, sharing time and love to children whit special needs and learn from them, play  with them and give time for them. I want a place when I feel the children need my support, my love, my care, and make a difference in each individual child. For me Being a teacher is not a work is my passion, sharing time with children for me is part of my life, I learned from them, and every day I try to give my best in teaching the skills that they need, but the most important is to hear, to talk and always be there for them, understand, and foster good relationships with them, giving my love my care and my knowledge to help and support in everything they need.

"For me passion comes from one to make a different, to me making a different make me happy when the child is able to be successful in the classroom."  Raymond Hernandez.”

     The four organizations that I chose, are important for me because each of them are concerned in the well-being of the children, this organization are a good support, and research to having more knowledge, and give to me the desire in want to do more for the children, thinking in their needs, and advocated always fro them.

·        UNISEF, in (humans rights-based Approach to programming),” Here their mission is to advocate for the protection of children rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.”(

·        NAEYC,is an organization that cares about the welfare of children, bring high quality care and education to all young children.(

·        NICHCY, A center for children with disabilities,that support familys,and children with special needs.

·        Save the children,In this organization they put the children first,they give to the children what they need to grow happy and healthy.Save the Children gives children in the United States and around the world what every child deserves – a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When disaster strikes, we put children's needs first. We advocate for and achieve large-scale change for children. We save children's lives.”()

     As I mention I need to return to my Country this year, so for this reason I’m going to work being a pre-school teacher, but one of my dreams is to have my own pre-school. I think in Walden University, I learned the necessary skills to work effectively with children, my colleagues during this course help also with their experiences, ideas, support. The Walden Teachers and Instructors , given to  me the skills, motivation, to keep going in being a better teacher. “Educators have be equipped with the correct skills and qualifications to lay the foundation for learning and development”Barnett,2003).the more knowledge, and experience that teacher have, the better they are going to care for their children.

"The real preparation for education is the study of one's self. The training of the teacher is something far more than the learning of ideas. It includes the training of character: it is a preparation of the spirit." Maria Montesorri.”



NAEYC .National Association for the education of young children(2009)

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) (n.d.). Retrieved from:

Barnett,W.S.(2003).BetterTeachers,better preschools. Preschool Policy matters.







sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community
1)   I want to chose “Teaching for change”(building social justice Starting in the classroom. Provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world, build a more equitable, multicultural society , and become active global citizens.
2)    I think NAEYC, is an organization that  want the best for the well being of each children Thinking in their needs. NAEYC, is the worlds largest organization working on behalf of young children.
NAEYC MISSION: is to serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well being of all young children with primary focus on the provision of education and developmental services and resources.
     NAEYC expresses its mission in terms of three broad goals:
  • Improving professional practice and working conditions in early childhood education.
  • Supporting early childhood programs by working to achieve a high-quality system of early childhood education.
  •    Building a high-performing, inclusive organization of groups and individuals who are committed to promoting excellence in early childhood education for all young children
  • Convening individuals and groups with diverse perspectives to generate new knowledge and understanding of issues affecting the education and development of young children and their families.
3)   NICHCY, National dissemination center for children with disabilities, has provided information and resource disabilities in children and youth.
This organization is important for me because if I want to work with Anti-Bias and diversity, we also need to have the support of and organization that helps children with disabilities and their parents.

I find a very interesting school in Minessota,  the name is International School of Minessota, is a multicultural school ,”Our students thrive in an inclusive, collaborating learning environment where they are challenged to grow in intellect character, and global understanding as they prepared to impact the larger world” Teaching students with a rich opportunity to appreciate commonalities while they celebrate their differences.
In pre-school students receive daily instructions  world languages taught by native speakers. “Our curriculum has been carefully designed to educated students with diverse cultural backgrounds.” They want children to respect, and accept their differences to later succeed in life.
If I need to work in, I will love to work in this school because ,and I could be an Spanish teacher because is my native language, I also like the idea to work with an Anti-bias curriculum, and the importance for children to be proud of who they are, with all their differences.
I know I will live temporarily  in USA , for the work of my husband, so for this reason my interest is in learn, have the knowledge and the necessary skills to support and work with children in my Country Ecuador, advocated for them and try to give to them the best I can for their different needs, and well-being. I’m a passion teacher and the only thing that I want is to work with pre-school children.
To teach is to share who you are, to impact the knowledge of all that has informed you with a passion that inspires the disinterested heart to listen, and the reluctant will to learn,
To teach
Is to nurture the growing spirits, to foster insight that perceives the rhythms of life and couples the preparations of the inner self to endure with dignity the adversity that wisely trains our souls.  Brian Johnson
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) (n.d.). Retrieved from:
NAEYC .National Association for the education of young children(2009)
ISM. International school of




jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Meeting the Challenge: Merging Passion, Vision, and Practice

Is my first time in using worldle, I hope everything is ok, and Good luck to everyone!

<a href="http://"
          title="Wordle: 2 wordle"><img
          alt="Wordle: 2 wordle"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Blog Assignment: Reflecting on Learning

Blog Assignment: Reflecting on Learning

     I want to give to the children the best I can, to become the best Anti-Bias teacher to have the knowledge the skills the love ,care ,patience, and passion to help children growth in a healthy environment  for their good development. I want children in my class to  feel happy, secure to be proud of themselves, to respect and accept to others and being more humans,  to speak up and to have the strength ,and skills to learn and thrive and succeed.

“All children are created whole endowed with innate intelligence, with dignity and wonder, worthy of respect. Every girl and boy is entitled to love, to dream, and belong to a loving “village”, and to pursue a life of purpose.”( Derman-Sparks, L., Olsen Edwards 2010.)

I want  to said thank you to each of my colleges that share this class ,I appreciate your comments, your support, your knowledge, feedback. I learned more every day about your experience, your thoughts. Keep going we can d a better world without Bias, and is in our hands to give the best to the whole children, support, love and care, hug, smile and be patience. All of you are unique and we make the difference in each individual children. Good luck to everyone!


Derman-Sparks, L., Olsen Edwards (2010). Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves





viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

 I chose Viet Nam, In Viet Nam, there are about 1.3 million children with disabilities, according to the most recent official estimates. In Da Nang,Viet-Nam  there is a center that helps children with disabilities, where children are learning to write and read, here they learn basic skills in a friendly and protective environment, and they socialize with others and also received physical therapist. How important is to help children and support to them, I found this article interesting children could learn if we help, and care them with love and patience thinking in their needs.

“Like all children, those with disabilities have many abilities, but are often excluded from society by discrimination and lack of support, leaving them among the most invisible and vulnerable children in the world.”

In Da Nang, Viet Nam, a UNICEF-supported centre for children with disabilities helps provide new opportunities through education, training and therapy.

Unicef is working with governments to insure children with disabilities enjoy the same right with their peers.

 In this center, children like school and they said they learn how to write,” Says 9-year-old Pham Van Trung, who has difficulty hearing and speaking, he is also learning sign language.

Children in this center have an equal chance to learn. “But it is not limited to teaching new skills – it also allows the children a rare opportunity to socialize with others living with disabilities and to express themselves in a supportive setting.” Parents know that their children and in a safe and nurturing environment.

“Before coming here, I only stayed home. I helped my parents with house work and took care of my siblings,” explains Ho Thi Lang, who is just over one meter tall and has a hunchback. “Now that I go to the centre, I communicate with people. I have friends and I feel more confident.” This is a good example that children in this center feel secure, respected and support for teachers and other children. And for this reason children could work and development in a better way learning in a healthy environment of love and care.

“We have disabilities. It doesn’t mean that we are useless. We may even be able to do what other people cannot do.”Ho thi Lang.

     Is important to fight to discrimination and recognize de right of all children, be more inclusive stop seeing disabilities before seeing the person. It time to be more humans to give love, patient, support and care for children with disabilities they need us, and we could make a difference in their life’s. Sometimes a smile, a hug an expression of love could make a difference in children with disabilities.
