My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014



I chose this organization because it’s an organization around the world, and gives to the children what every child deserve, the opportunity to learn and protection for harm. As an Early childhood teacher who always wants to advocate for children, I like this organization, where help and protect children and create positive change in their lives.

      Save the children have many opportunities for work www.jobapplicationmatch,org

There’s a position for a Teacher, Early Head Start, and Full time Employee.

Is responsible for general and day to day operations for a head start center, communication with parents, and the community, supervision and supervision of staff.

A Head Start Teacher need to: Plans and implements classrooms activities based on the individual needs of the children.

Provide education for preschool children foster growth and development in all developmental domains. Plan daily activities with other teachers to reflect curriculum areas, individualized, instruction, and integration. Conducts classrooms activities, Provides a safe environment, and outdoor play area.

With family activities: a Head Start Teacher need to conduct and documents home visits, conduct parent-teacher conferences, plans family activities, participates in an individualized continuing education plan including CPR and first Aid.

Requirements: Minimum a CDA credential with infant/toddle, CDA credential and be trained in early childhood development, some experience working with infants. AA degree or higher with 15 credits in ECE, with emphasis on infants. Ability to work collaboratively with assistant teacher, other staff and community partners in the provision of high-quality services to children and families. Ability to work with children with disabilities. Satisfy criminal background check, TB test and physical exam. Knowledge of the purpose of the head star. Ability to drive, a good driver record.


  Is another Organization that fights for children’s rights and welfare, the mission iss to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.

If you want to see job opportunities:

Working for Unesco you need to:

·         Participating in an ongoing dialogue among nations

·         Understanding the new global issues

·         Making a personal commitment and joining a strong team

·         promote multiculturalism

·         Education: university degree in education, culture, science, social and human sciences or communication or in a field linked directly to the management and administration of an international organization.

·         Awareness of the multiple facets of a multicultural world and a commitment to international public service are essential.

·         an excellent knowledge of either French or English

·         As a rule, two to three years’ experience for junior professionals four to eight years’ experience for middle-ranking professionals.


     I chose Unicef, because is another organization who priority is the children. This organization, protect children’s from poverty, help and support in their development, disease, disabilities, is an organization that advocated always for the children.” Was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path.”( UNICEF).

     I think will be so interesting to work in this Organization, finding funding for vital supplies for children during an emergency, or dedicating each day to efforts to eradicate a killer disease.” It will be a good experience for learned more, and being more humans.

You need a Masters or Graduate degree program, and to fill some forms online.

I will love to work in one of these organizations, because I’m a passion teacher that advocate for children rights, and always think in their needs. I Think if each of us cares about the welfare of children and know a little more about some organization that are doing an excellent work in children’s needs, if we could put our desire in being part of them and support, always thinking in give a better world, for each child, where they could grow happy, and safe.




    United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

     United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2011). Retrieved from

7 comentarios:

  1. Dear Maria,
    Your passion for children is expressed through your posts. I think any one of these organizations would love to have your passion in their company. Would you ever consider moving to another country for a career opportunity?

  2. thanks,Tunya
    I think I'll be where the kids need me, As I said two years ago for me being a teacher is not a work is my passion.

  3. Maria,
    I love how passionate about education you come across in your blog posts - it's palpable! Thanks for sharing great information about wonderful global organizations. I especially liked the information you shared from UNICEF. One of the main reasons I value UNICEF's hard work is because of their focus on eradicating poverty. It still baffles me that poverty exists today, and not just in extreme remote locations. It would be wonderful to work for such an organization.
    Thanks for a great, informative post!

    1. Maria,

      Save the Child is a wonderful organization that truly works in a variety of ways to help children and families. I appreciate your research and dedication to the field of Early Childhood. International organizations work for the better of the world and I love how Save the Child offers so many different ways to donate. Great post, Melissa

    2. Maria,

      All the organizations that you have chosen are organizations that I am passionate about.In the Save the Children I would like to be a project manager. I think that this will provide opportunities for me to serve at a level where I can effect changes that will directly affected the lives of young children and families. In the named capacity I will ensure that aids go to families that are in need, There are so many needs that are there to be met. Save the Child has been making significant progress in addressing the international demand for help.

  4. Hi Maria,

    What I like about the global goal of the Early Head Start program is that it supports all areas of child development, social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development. It is developed to make sure that children in low-income areas get the same education as anyone else. This was a very worthy topic to talk about and a very crucial one for parents to know that it is available for them. Good job


  5. Hello Maria,
    I share your excitement for the United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF) and the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Both organizations strive to bring and maintain children’s human rights in every part of the globe. Thanks to their work, issues such as poverty, hunger, education, gender and sexual identities to name a few are being addressed for children’s well-being. Keeping those organizations in our community of practice will help educators in the early childhood field to keep current with issues and learn how they can actively participate in and be part of the solution. There is a lot to do in each of our communities and change does not happen overnight. Thank you for your inspiring post!
