My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Observing Communication


     My observation was at the park a mother of a 4 years boy ,I saw that they was laughing , she toke the hand of his son and  she said : we are ready to go to the slide, it will be funny, lets go. They begin to run, the boy said “I’m not scared if you come with me”, his mother said it just a small slide and if you trust in yourself ,is ok, is just a slide nothing to be scared you can do it . Then they went together and his mother said I ‘m wait for you here, it will be really funny. The boy decided to slide and he did it. He hug his mother and he wants to do it again, he was very happy .

     Is important to always listen, to others want to communicate, to be a good support for them, and give positive messages. Sometimes people need a hug, a kiss, a motivation, so is very important to used our gestures to communicate in a better way.


Communicate in an effective way:

·           Is important to communicate with respect, ”smile, as you speak or when you speak using a particular tone or volume.”( O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. 2012. pag128). Not use offensive words, questions, and be a good listener.” listening helps us achieve our most basic human need. to understand and be understood.”( O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. 2012. pag158). 

·              For me is important to have a good communication with others specially with the children and parents to foster good relationships with them in the future. Always be open, and be a good listener, respect our differences, and try to understand to others, be a good support, and not hurt with offensive words ,not labeling to people.


 “When you take the time to actually listen, with humility, to what people have to say, it’s amazing what you can learn. Especially if the people who are doing the talking also happen to be children.”

Greg Mortenson.


O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin

4 comentarios:

  1. Maria,
    I enjoyed reading your insights. It is very important for adults to listen and pay attention to each individual child. Young children have to be taught to understand and to respect other people differences. Without good communication, children may no get to learn about other people differences in the way they should. Good Job!!


  2. Colleague Mario:
    It is so important to develop good listening skills in order to be an effective communicator in all our relationships. The quotation at the end of your blog is so powerful too, it cannot be ignored. With humility, I am pledging to take the time out to listen more to my children as they do the talking. Thank you for your post!
    Sharon Munroe.

  3. Maria,
    You are right - it is important to speak with a respectful tone or smile. I have heard arguments begin not because of what was said, but because of the WAY that it was said. An important piece of good communication is to be aware of your tone and even your body language, so that what you are trying to communicate is what is being understood.

  4. Hi Maria,

    Your center sounds great. An anti-bias educator gives a child a positive time for change. Giving child self-esteem is the positive identities a child will ever possess. I agree that a safe environment and the right materials are always important to show children their self-worth. I know your daycare is a positive place for all children that will enter it.

