My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013


CLASS                          SEXUALITY                       LANGUAGE

BODY                       MICROAGGRESSIONS   


IMMIGRATION STATUS                               RACE         

     In the school I have seen children of color, or another culture and how the other children makes groups and ignore them, they don't like to sit or talk with them sometimes I heard agreesive language like they stink. Dr. Sue states,"Insulting message often causes several phycological strees and harm."(Laurate,2011) For me is painful to see such young children hurt or feel bad for the others. They discriminate people of different culture or if they are black. Many times I have to guide these children, let them know that we are humans, differents but we have feelings, we need to respect each other, is important to accept and to learn from our difference.
Be aware  interacting with people ,share and intimate with them, foster in school and cooperative environment. As a teacher for me is important to have more knowledge in microaggression , to help the good development of the children and their families.

Laureate Education,Inc.2013. Microaggressions in Everyday life (video).Retrieved from @X@EmbeddedFile.requestUrlStub.

sábado, 20 de julio de 2013



What is culture and diversity for Andrea, Jose, and Emilia?
They answer that culture is a range of knowledge, experience, and behavior. Is the basis and the foundation of who we are, what we identified each other.

And diversity is a variety and difference that the things have, the different cultures of people, this allows us to see the knowledge and customs of the people. The diversity is important because it teach us to tolerate and to respect and understand others.

Beliefs                    Language

Understanding                                                                   Religion

For me culture is complex, what we live, the language we speak, religion, the food, the way we talk, our behavior, beliefs, our cultural background, our ethnicity, our relationships with others, Values, how we show our emotions, education, how we socializing.

I think my knowledge about culture increase in me to see more elements that are include in culture is not only the costumes, faces, food and holidays is more than that is the lifestyles, behavior, education, relationships, language that we reflect in our life, the way we life the way we learn.

People has difference, they are different, so we learn from each others, and we need to understand and respect people with their differences, be more open, and try to fit at home and outside in our work, school, social life.

sábado, 13 de julio de 2013


First,I would Choose a picture that has photos of my Country, to show everyone how beautiful it is, and if I move to other Country that picture will make me remember the culture, and the different places that I visited ,and  remember that it was the city where I was born.

Second and the most important is an album of  my family it has all the moments that I shared with them. it has a lot of pictures, memories that are in my heart.  If I need to move to another Country this album is a very significant element for me to remember my family culture, experiences, love.  Seeing this album make me feel happy, because it has pictures when I was little, and now I want to show it to my daugthers.

Third, I love and enjoy cooking and I think in my Country the recipes are delicious and healthy so I decided to take the best cookbook  my grandmother gave it to my mom, and now it is mine , I think if I move to other Country I will have this recipe book to cook and share the different varieties of food of my country.

We life in a diverse world ,our families have different cultures, and lifestyles, languages, religions, clothing food, rituals, holidays. But we need to understand learn from others and respect their backgrounds. we need to be sensitive and open.