My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

My Personal Research Journey

My topic: How the importance of PLAY in the early years

     As we know “play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth”. (Ginsberg, K. (2007).  Play allows children to create and explore the world, practicing adult’s roles, and to negotiate for problem resolution. Physical play helps in their motor skills, communication, and math skills...
I think we need to provide to the children an environment where young children are safe to play and explore at their own place. And let them know to the teachers the importance of play,
Because now a days there are some schools that removed recess of their curriculum and take away the children the importance of play and exploration outside.
This topic that I chose passionate to me ,I want to know more about the importance of play, and why play helps and is importance for the good development of the children, what are some of the consequences in children who do not play.





2 comentarios:

  1. Play is indeed important in the lives of children because it gives them the opportunity to practice what they learned. Through play children learn how to solve problems (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2013). I love watching children play out different scenarios that they have seen from their parents or on television.

    American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Ages & stages. Retrieved from No local token

  2. Hello Maria I enjoy reading your blog I think it's interesting to learn about play. And the benifits it accomplish. I would like to learn more about play. Good Job!
