My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Final Blog Assignment


  • How important is the first years of life in the children, the strong influence of early experience on brain architecture makes the early years of life a period  of both great opportunity and great vulnerability for brain development.

Early learning opportunities for children from birth to age five have a great impact on a child’s development and build a strong foundation for learning and success later in life.


·         Young children require a learning environment that is warm, secure, and positive, where they can feel happy, healthy, safe, and comfortable. “Children who participate in high-quality center-based programs have better language and cognitive skills in the first few years of elementary school.” (Olson, L2005).




·         A high-quality center based will have:

A rich curriculum: the best early childhood programs emphasize language, emergent literacy, and early math skills, motor, social, and emotional development, health and nutrition services, Play, ( is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well –being of children and young), and parent involvement .

A well-educated staff: Preparation and training teachers.”Young children’s learning and development depend on the educational qualifications of their teachers”

One of my goals is to Advocate always for the children, because they need us to be a loud voice that claim for them and for their needs.

Thanks to all of my colleagues, because each of you shared your experience, your passion, dreams, and goals, to supporting each other growth. Hope all of you to continue learning and grow professionally.

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

Early Childhood Care and Educacion


     Unesco: promotes two useful planning strategies to address the early childhood needs for those under three years of age-phasing and partnership, expand and improve comprehensive early childhood care and education for all.

High Quality childcare, promotes motivation, confidence, good cognitive and linguistic development and school readiness.

For me high quality include good teachers:

·         Being able to create environments in which all children thrive.

·         Building family and community relationships ( good relationships with families).

·         Becoming a professional in the Early childhood field(advocate for children, using ethical guidelines)

One of my personal Goals is to finish this Master in Education to have more knowledge, to learn, understand diversity ,and have the necessary skills to promote a good high quality care and to be a good teacher for all children helping in their development, and in their well-being to be successful in their future, and advocate for them.

Unesco: Promote alternative services for poor children with limited or no access to mainstream early childhood services, Central governments must ensure an equitable distribution of resources especially those who live in the most disadvantaged regions.

Learning, and knowing more for the different organizations that help children poverty , has done it grows in my desire to help and to do something for the poor children.



viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Ensuring Children Have Quality Care

Save the Children has found that the best way to protect children is to keep
them with their families. And to help caregivers provide them with the right
attention and services. Save the Children supports education programs for
children in the classroom and at home.

  • We train teachers to engage their students through more effective teaching practices.
  • We coach parents and caregivers to help their children learn early on, so they are prepared to enter school.
  • We offer ways for parents and community volunteers to get kids reading and doing math outside of school hours.
  • We introduce children to the power of artistic expression – drawing, painting, music, drama, dance and more – to help them heal, learn and do better in school

In 2011, Save the Children's education programs reached nearly 10 million children, thanks to the many families, teachers, government officials and community volunteers who help inspire these little learners.
Early Education gives children an early start that will
resonate through their entire lives.
Jazmine, age 4, of Queets, Washington, and Diverson, age 5 of Zomba, Malawi. Although they live
on opposite sides of the globe, early education, provided by Save the Children, is helping them learn
 skills that will prepare them for school and for life. Follow along as they read, share, play, paint,
color, count and more at school and at home.
This video touched me a part of me,I think that as educators we need  to help children  to develop their skills. For me the only thing that the teachers will need to help the children is the vocation,and the desire to serve them.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

The Global children Initiative.


The Center on the Developing Child has launched the Global Children’s Initiative as the centerpiece of its global child health and development agenda. It also to work collaboratively across disciplines and institutions, drawing together the best and most creative expertise available to achieve the Initiative’s goals.

the global program will focus on three strategic areas:

·         Educated people in  science of learning, behavior, and health, beginning in the earliest years of life;

·         To expand a global understanding how healthy development happen.

·         Building leadership in institutions, Countries  to have more voices that advocated for the children.


The Global Children’s Initiative has begun to build a portfolio of activities in three domains:

 1.-Early Childhood Development. The global dialogue for investments in the early years of life, generate and apply new knowledge that addresses the health and developmental needs of young children in a variety of settings.

Assessing quality in early childhood environments, Piloting assessments to measure child development

outcomes linked to malaria control strategies in Zambia.

 For Example In Chile “A Good Start,” is a collaborative project in Santiago they  improve the quality of educational offerings for four-to-six-year-olds, particularly in the area of language development. This project is also designed to intervene in critical health areas that improve school attendance as well as socio emotional development, and it seeks to involve the children's families in their education.

2,- Child mental health.- a working group of Harvard faculty is developing a focused agenda in research,

education, and public engagement to address significant gaps in knowledge and service delivery.

Assessing the state of child mental health services in China, Developing and evaluating family-based strategies to prevent mental health problems in children affected

by HIV/AIDS in Rwanda, and  Addressing child maltreatment and mental health outcomes in three Caribbean nations.

3,-Children I Crisis and Conflict  Situation,- The Global Children’s Initiative is currently exploring

potential synergies  and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration that incorporates a science-based, developmental perspective into the assessment and management of child well-being in a range of natural and man-made crises, focusing on both immediate circumstances and long-term adaptation.

Bringing strategies for addressing acute malnutrition.

Exploring comparable approaches to surveying child status in post-earthquake Haiti and Chile.



Is Important to educated Educate future leaders, and Provide professional development opportunities people about the development of the children, to know how to help them in some causes of stress, natural disasters ,malnutrition, to be a support for them around the world and to foster good relationships to be involved in the well-being of the children around the world and their needs.

“Global Children’s Initiative” website (