My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

Sharing Web Resources


The exceptionally strong influence of early experience on brain architecture makes the early years of life a period of both great opportunity and great vulnerability for brain development.

The first three years of life are a period of incredible growth in all areas of a baby’s. By age 2, the brain is almost 75 percent of adult brain weight, the brain communication system begins with nerve cells called neurons.

During the first months and years, rapid growth and refinement in axons, dendrites and synapses ocour, especially in the cortex for 4 months infants are able to her and listen.

The infant brain development depends on sensory experiences and early movements, every sense functions at birth : they listen, smell, taste, and touch.

Hearing : develops the last trimester of pregnancy (infants turns their heads toward the source of a sound).Seeing: vision is the least mature sense at birth, newborns focus objects between 4 and 30 inches. Smelling: tasting, and touching.

From the first moments of life infants show a preference for human faces and voices and can even imitate adult facial expressions ”emotion sharing” infants experience the quality of their relationships whit others that will has a tremendous impact on how development unfolds.

The importance of talking, reading, and interacting with their toodlers to support development in all brain areas: motor, cognitive, social, emotional and language.

Nurturing relationships and the daily interactions around care giving and free play that exercise a toddler’s brain,

Provide play experiences that allow toddlers to problem solve converse, develop self care skills, engage in gross and fine motor activities, Interact with peers.

·         LANGUAGE

Young children’s brain are very open to the sounds and language patterns, Toodler are indeed capable of learning to languages, they begin life with the ability to hear the differences among the sounds of many languages.

A key requirement for learning language is that it occurs in the context of a nurturing relationship.

Music, sing, dance, promote healthy emotional, social, physical, motor, cognitive, and language development, and offer positives experiences for brain development.

·         MOVEMENT

From 2-3 years is importance that todders practice some skills like: jumping, hopping, climbing ,zipping ,manipulating puzzles pieces, buttoning, using spoon and fork.

As toddlers practice this skills, their movement reinforces the growth of  brain cells and the developing connections between them. You can foster toodlers motor development by providing lots of space, and opportunity for them to engage in fine and gross motor activities, doing this you are supporting the developing of this skills and also the brain development.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Powerty in China


The Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre(CHIP) is a collaborative research and policy programme which involves Save the Children, the Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) and partners in China, India, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Running from 2001 to 2005, it aims to contribute to global poverty reduction efforts.
CHIP focuses on and draws attention to the ways in which poverty affects large numbers of urban and rural children, not only particularly disadvantaged groups such as street children or child-headed households.

"Over 600 million children world-wide live in absolute poverty - an estimated 1 in 4. In many countries, rates are much higher with over 60 percent of children living in households with incomes below international poverty lines. Over 10 million children under five still die every year from preventable diseases - the vast majority of them in developing countries. As one of the most powerless groups in society, children often bear the physical and emotional costs of poverty. "  (


Family poverty impacts on children's health,wellbeing,education, and care.
Mayor causes of family poverty were: unemployment,low income,prolonged illness,low level of education,being over age,the difficult of finding employment,and the hight cost of education.

  • More than half of those surveyed were unemployed.Less than 8 percent of families surveyed had members with permanent jobs, for urban poor families is difficult to access employement-based health insurance and pension ,rural -urban migrants need to pay supplementary education fees for their children.
  • Workers whit low education are likely to be the first to lose their jobs,groups of little education are more prome to poverty.
  • 45 % of poor families provided their childrne with "user pays"vaccination that were not covered by the state -funded immunisation plan, 27,3% has a lack of knowledge of these vaccines,20,9% are inability to pay for them,5,6% belief that there are not important and necessary.
  • Parents are the first teachers of children.Gradparents provided care for their children.
  •  98% of Children from poor Urban families are accessing education, 77.8 % felt because they could not afford to pay education fees.( Migrans that schools fees are heavy because they need to pay additional fees ),but the main reason of children dropping out of school were financial difficults and children's health status.
  • The families with unemployment,poor health conditions,and financial difficults, have  trouble relations with their children.
  • In daily life,family economising means that children's nutrition is relatively poor,and there is little money to pay for new clothes .
  • Mayor causes of family poverty were: unemployment,low income,prolonged illness,low level of education,being over age,the difficult of finding employment,and the hight cost of education.            

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Sharing web resource

"Save the Children"

Who are we?

  Save the Children is the world's leading independent

organization for children. Our vision is a world in

which every child attains the right to survival,

protection, development and participation. Our

mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the

world treats children and to achieve immediate and

lasting change in their lives.

Video: Brighter Future




The bets investment you can make is in children, too many

 children go to bed hungry,some are separed for there families

during a disaster,it doesn’t have to be this way we can be a part

 of the solution.

 Save the Children:
·         Children need chance and opportunities to grow up healthy.
·         Children need good nutrition to grow well.
·         We need to help children grow in full potential.
·         Help the different needs of the children.
·         Work in a community members , to make sure the kids      have education, and access for health care.
·         The future of humans race is  in our hands.
 Save the Children

Convention on the Rights of the Child


Children have rights as human beings and also need special care and protection.

Built on varied legal systems and cultural traditions, the

 Convention is a universally agreed set of non-negotiable

standards and obligations. These basic standards—also

called human rights—set minimum entitlements and

freedoms that should be respected by governments. They

are founded on respect for the dignity and worth of each

 individual, regardless of race, colour, gender, language,

religion, opinions, origins, wealth, birth status or ability

and therefore apply to every human being everywhere.

The Convention sets out these rights in 54 articles and

 two Optional Protocols.

 It spells out the basic human rights that children

 everywhere have: the right to survival; to develop to the

 fullest; to protection from harmful influences, abuse and

 exploitation; and to participate fully in family, cultural

and social life. The four core principles of the Convention

are non-discrimination; devotion to the best interests of

the child; the right to life, survival and development; and

 respect for the views of the child. Every right spelled out

 in the Convention is inherent to the human dignity and

harmonious development of every child. The Convention

protects children's rights by setting standards in health

care; education; and legal, civil and social services.

national governments have committed themselves to

protecting and ensuring children's rights and they have

agreed to hold themselves accountable for this

commitment before the international community.

States parties to the Convention are obliged to develop

and undertake all actions and policies in the light of the

best interests of the child.


World Forum Foundation. "A foundation whose mission is to promote an on-going global exchange of ideas on the delivery of quality services for young children in diverse settings."


sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Establishing Professional Contacts

I have had great difficulty in contact with Unicef, so I will work with Save the Children, and Word Forum Foundation.

In many rural parts of the world,families urgently need support to grw,or buy food for their children to trive.
  • To help parents provide for their children;s basic nutritional needs,save the children's Hunger,focus on improving the food supply .
Save the Childrern: Give families fod staples following a natural disastre or emergency,they teach parents about the importance of proving their child food to prevent malnutirition,they train small- scale farmers how to prevent the loss of crops(flood or disease),they guide family on how to grow more nutritiouns food,They give youth the skills to succed,like building their savings, teching them how to manage money.
In 2011, Save the children livehoods programs readed more than 7 millions children,and adults.

 Karl Frey's life trajectory

Karl Frey talks with village chief Ali Muhumed Jehow about the dairy project in his village of Arabeqeyramso in Kenya's Wajir County.

 The distance between Peach Bottom, Pa., and Wajir, Kenya, is 7,800 miles. That also happens to be the distance of Karl Frey's life trajectory, which has arced from growing up Mennonite on his family's Lancaster County dairy farm to helping improve children's health in a drought-stricken area of eastern Africa.
  • He lives in Chevy Chase, Md., and works for Save the Children, specializing in food security during emergencies.
  • His duties include advising a program in northeastern Kenya that gives pastoralists hit hard by a drought in 2011 and part of last year an immediate and future source of milk.
  • It's a farm-to-farm-to-table tale.
    Frey recalls school-day evenings, and weekends in Peach Bottom being bracketed by milking cows and doing chores on the 117-acre farm.
  • The Kenya project began about 18 months ago, after a devastating drought in 2011 throughout East Africa that saw crops and herds - sources of income and food - destroyed. It will take years to reverse the impact.
  • The project gives vouchers for milk to families,getting milk to those who need most.
  • About 1000 people 8000 of them children are getting the vouchers it seems to be helping.
  • Frey;s jobs is to look at all of this and suggest how to improve the distribution process and the milk's quality.
  • Freys periodically travels to Kenya to talk to project staffers and program recipients.

"The world is big, but still small becouse we still have to rely on a few basic things to make it work"he said.

    World Forum Foundation The mission of the World Forum Foundation is to promote an on-going global exchange of
    ideas on the delivery of quality services for young children in diverse settings.
     Early childhood professionals from more than 80 countries
    gather to share ideas on a wide range of issues impacting the delivery of
    quality services for children and families.
     Interested in promoting the well-being of young children and families can share ideas, strategies, and perspectives
      At World Forum gatherings people often come together to launch global projects on specific issues and topics. Current projects focus on men in ece, AIDS and young children, nature education, peace education, teacher education, and immigration and young children

    Episode 10: Susan Lyon Early childhood professional,Word forum radio.

     Susan Lyon  Her pation begin when he  started to work with children with disabilities and emotional problems.
    She share a wonderfull experience that she had with a 1 grade children who wants to know the meaning of the word CITY,and the answer that the boy tell was : "city is a small world such a big place".
    She wanted to understand how children see  things and how they understand the world.
    Visiting Reggio Emilia and then bringing the “100 Languages of Children” exhibit to the San Francisco.
    She always advocate to the children
    She initiated the Innovative Teacher Project, and began working with the Presidio Child Care Center and the San Francisco public schools.
    She wants to prove that working together private and public schools that quality of work can happen if teachers participate in unit.
     Currently she is working with an Italian architect to rehab a San Francisco structure into the first Italian immersion preschool
    How important is to advocate to those children that has different cultures and languages ,we need to be a support for them.

    Expanding Resources


    ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.
    There mision is: to promote the health and development of infants and toddlers.

    Early Care and Education

    All babies and toddlers need positive early learning experiences to foster their intellectual, social and emotional development and lay the foundation for later school success.
     All child-care arrangements, including family, friend, neighbor, and family- and center-based child care have the potential to provide high-quality, individualized, responsive and stimulating experiences that occur within the context of strong relationships and which are imbedded in everyday routines.