My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

What i have learned

What  I  Have  Learned


     One hope that I want for working with children that come from different backgrounds, will be to foster good relationships with children and families, be a good support in the needs of each children even if they have problems with learning a new language. Make games in my class to incorporate different cultures, invite families to share their time with us and showing some of their cultures characteristics like food, clothes, and songs. Creating a good environment helping the children to develop confidence, self-esteem, and positive cultural identity, is our responsibility as educators, to have a classroom that is accepting of all of our students, no matter their communications abilities, their physical abilities, and their cultural backgrounds and beliefs.


     One goal that I want is that every teacher think that education is not just to teach reading and writing, is going beyond is to have the passion to understand, appreciate, and respect each individual child, giving them love, and be there to support all of their needs, their feelings.  Is in our hands to help children , to develop and grow in a better world without prejudices.

 I want children in my class  feel good and secure, learning in an environment of love, acceptance, respect, and  also learning the different cultures beliefs, of others, this will which help  them to learn more about each other.

There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity the law of nature and of nations. ” Edmund Burke”



I want to said everyone thanks for your support and for your time to read my discussions and my blog, I appreciate your comments and thanks you for helping to strengthen my knowledge with your ideas and experiences. Is a good time to share with each of you! Hope to see you in my next class, and Good luck for everyone.

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Start Seeing Diversity



All children are created whole, endowed with innate intelligence, with dignity and wonder, worthy of respect. Every girl and boy is entitle to love, to dream, and belong to a loving village, and to pursue a life of purpose.”(Louise Derman-Sparks. 2010.Antibias Education.)

In an anti-bias classroom children learn to be proud of themselves and of their families, to respect human differences, to recognize bias, and to speak up for what is right.

   Children born in a culture and becomes a full member of that culture through making meaning of all aspects of that culture, practices, beliefs and values.

We need to respect each individual children and their families.


Is important that children engage in relationships and interactions with parents, family members, children, teachers and other people, agains, prejudice and discriminatory actions.” Teachers will consistently interact with children in emotionally supportive, developmentally appropriate ways, including addressing identity, capacity, and bias.”( Louise Derman-Sparks.2010 Anti Bias Education.pag33).We need to listen to children ,their feelings, and answer to their questions.


Children Need to explore to play this is the best way that brings her thoughts and questions and experiences about frighten, socializing, represent their ideas, become social, and is important to give to them the skills to resist messages that undermine confidence enable children to succeed in school and afterward.” The physical learning environment will reflect the rich diversity of human beings, including through visual images and in all learning materials.”(Louise Derman-Sparks.2010 Anti Bias Education. pag 33)


Including kids with disabilities in our classroom would help the preschoolers make meaningful connections with people who are different from them.



“Children distress, their fears, their shaken sense of trust and security that ensue when child care harms, when it does not work, when it is not there when needed must be heeded and attention must be paid.”( Ann Pelo.2008.Rethinking Early Childhood Education. pag 194)

If we cannot end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe of diversity.



     Louise Derman-Sparks. 2010 Anti Bias Education.

Ann Pelo.2008.Rethinking Early Childhood Education.



sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

"We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"



      I listen a child that said to his mother: looks mom why that person just have one leg ? how  does he walk?

     Her mothers answer: Oh, yes but don’t point to the person with your finger, and don’t look to him in a frightened way. Because he is a person that maybe had an accident, and for that reason lost his leg but he should walk, talk and be a good person, he had feelings and is important to accept and be good with other people even if they had disabilities problems.

     Children need to ask questions, and is important to answer them , sometimes adult said don’t talk to them, don’t point, don’t look , but for this reason children would think that something is wrong, and they have fear.

 “An anti-bias teacher encourages children to be open about questions, ideas, and feelings about themselves and others.”( : Louise Derman-Smarks(2010).pag 129) 

    We are all the same, and  children need to be respected, nurtured, encouraged from everyone.

     References: Louise Derman-Smarks(2010).Anti-Bias Education for young Children and Ourselves.

sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation



     I have a friend that has a son and he doesn’t like to play soccer, and he has trouble walking because it has an ankle problem. But their friends didn’t know that, they just said words like you are a gay, you walk funny, and you don’t like to play soccer. Sometimes their friends begin to punish him, and begun to bullying him. They laughed at him, and they make pee in their backpack. He feels really bad, and he didn’t want to return to his school because their friends said to him that they hate gays. Is sad for me to hear about this story in this case the mother of this child talked to the teacher, and principal of the school but they didn’t did nothing. The mother had to change his son to another school because she wanted to protect to him.

Children could play with dolls and cars even if they are girls or boys, it doesn’t matter, and not for this reason they are different from others, and think that they are gay or lesbian.

     I think that the inclusion of books about gays and lesbians in early childhood centers need to have this material to show to the kids that people will be able to love anyone; no matter what sex the importance is that that person will be a good human being that love and have good feelings for everyone. Also women’s will be able to work whatever jobs they want, and people will wear whatever clothes they wish, there will be no gender roles. “It also may be very useful to initiate activities that enable the whole group to explore feelings of conflict when what they like to do differ from the prevailing gender norms or what a child thinks is the norm.”( Louise Derman-Sparks. 2010. Pag 93)

     If a parent said to me that he did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child, I said to him that in my school : everybody belongs, plays, and helps each other learn with love, respect each other’s, and their differences. We are people and each of us has feelings, and we are good persons. “We need to support human and civil rights for all people, including gay men and lesbians, we also believe that children nurtured to appreciate diversity.”( Louise Derman-Sparks. 2010. Pag 122)

     I heard one day in the school when I worked, that there was a boy that prefers to talk with girls instead of boys, and he use tight pants, and move his hands in a weird way and his friend begin to say to him you see like a gay.

     This boy grew in a family of three sisters, and his mother without his father, so he played all the time with his sisters, and also he has 4 cousins. For this reason, is easier for him to talk to girls.



Louise Derman-Sparks. 2010.Anti-Bias Education for young children and Ourselves.


sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013



During this week

I learned the importance of the communication, how to build good relationships specially with my colleagues in sharing information about their knowledge, experiences. I want to said thanks to each of you. I appreciate your comments, your experiences your ideas. This was a good time to share some positive things, that know I gained of each of you and they are going to help me in my professional growing. Thanks to my Instructor for taking the time and help to each of us .  I hope see each of you in other course. In this 8 weeks I learned a lot and now I think I will listen more attentively to people, and I will give time, and try to be one of the best communication in my class.

Thanks ! I Hope see you soon! and Good luck to everyone.

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Team Building and Collaboration

Team Building and Collaboration


    “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller.

     When I finished a project in this case a team work, the last stage Adjourning” Project is coming to an end and the team members are moving off into different directions.”(Abudi, G. 2010. The five stages of team development). In this stage we have the opportunity to celebrate if the project succeeded, or improve on the things that we have failed.

     Is important to celebrate, review the positive things, and the things we need to change in the next time, finally say good bye to everyone.

     I think at the end of the projects you learn a lot of the other’s, new experiences, knowledge, and you foster good friendships that for me is not difficult to say good bye, because I know that I will see them again. Working together is a good experience to have new relationships.

     I remember that all of my team projects have been really important in my personal growth and my development. At the end of each of them I always try to celebrate invited to a special dinner sometimes to my house, or in a restaurant. Having a celebration is essential for ongoing team development, is important  to value teamwork .

     When I finish my Master degree Program, I’m sure I’ll keep contact with colleagues that I could share and learn during this time.  I appreciate each one of my colleagues and learned a lot with their support and experience as teachers in the early childhood. I think I will go to miss the discussion, the blogs, because I read and learn of them, and also having their support helps me in being a better teacher.

“Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” Patrick Lencioni.


sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Management

      Conflicts tend to be a part of our lives.”Conflict and healthy debate can also be a useful part of everyday life.”(O’Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. 2012.pag.222). But, In any event we need to treat people with respect, and know the skills to maintain a good communication.

     I had a problem with a mother of a girl of three years and a half, that still wearing diaper. His mother wanted us to help to her daughter in potty training. She thought that is just our work. So for that reason I talked with her and said to her that the training is work together, both at home and at school.  Parents need to create supportive learning environment. She needs to know if her daughter is in control of her body, expect and handle potty without anger. I told to her mother that this is a learning process that takes time, and we need to be patient, for support and help to the children in a better way. It was difficult talking with her because she said she doesn’t have time at home, so I said to her that at school we are doing the best we can, to support and help her daughter. But we need for her to collaborate with us.  She could take a few minutes to train to her daughter to go to the bathroom every two hours.  NVC “skills emphasize personal responsibility for our actions and he choices we make when we respond to others, as well as how to contribute to relationships based in cooperation and collaboration.”(The Center for Nonviolent Communication. n.d.)

     I think if we have a problem, we need to observed, felt, and not judge.  “Through its emphasis on deep listening to ourselves as well as others, NVC fosters respect, attentiveness, and empathy, and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart.” (The Center for Nonviolent Communication. n.d.). I always work with love to others give the best I can, and for me communication is to give.


          The Center for Nonviolent Communication. (n.d.). The center for nonviolent    communication.        Retrieved from .Foundations of NVC

     O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's



sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Who Am I as a Communicator?

Who Am I as a Communicator?

     During this week making a evaluation of a communicator, and How other people evaluated me, is great to know that I and others see me as a kind person who always respect, listening to others , trying to maintain good relationships.”I am an empathetic and concerned with emotions of others, this help me in build relationships.”(evaluation test)

One of the most thing that surprise to me was that in the evaluation said that  “ I tend to be very trust on others”. I think I like to trust in people but I not think so much, there must be a balance in what we do.

  The evaluation test said also that I maintain a good balance between respect and consideration from others viewpoints.

     Is important to communicate with respect, ”smile, as you speak or when you speak using a particular tone or volume.”( O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. 2012. pag128). Not use offensive words, questions, and be a good listener.” listening helps us achieve our most basic human need. to understand and be understood.”( O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. 2012. pag158).

     For me is important to have a good communication with others specially with the children and parents to foster good relationships with them in the future. During this exercise, increased in me my desire to learned more clues, that are going to help me in being a better communicator.



“when you take the time to actually listen, with humility, to what people have to say, it’s amazing what you can learn. Especially if the people who are doing the talking also happen to be children.” Greg Mortenson.


O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

Communication and Culture

Communication and Culture

     I think I’m a very social person, for me it is easy to maintain communication. One of the different that I found in my way of communication to others is that I greet to the people affectionately by hand, with a hug, a kiss. Sometimes I feel that for some people of different cultures they surprised because they not use that greeting.



     Strategies for help me in communicate more effectively:

·                     Respect to others, and project an image of friendship, support, and acceptance.

·                     Recognize cultural differences, and learn more about different cultures.

·                     Speaks with knowledge, security and confidence.

·                     Be clear, communication with empathy: see the situation from the perspective of the other person.

·                     Be a good listening.” listening helps us achieve our most basic human need: to understand and be understood.”( DanO’Hair.Real Communication.(pp.158).

·                     Used positive words, and actions.” being motivated to establish positive relationships with others who are different from us is a key aspect of communication in intercultural competent ways.”( Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. 2011.)

                “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately  Determines the quality of our lives.” Anthony Robins.


           Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (6th Ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

               Chapter 4, "Interpersonal Communication and Diversity: Adapting to Others" (pp. 85114).  Dan O’Hair. Real Communication.



sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013


Communication Skills


     When I saw the Tv show ”God luck Charlie”, I understood
the program with the gestures that they did, when they laugh,
 and act. The different faces tell us what they want to

  I think in communication the gestures, “express

spontaneous feelings."
and words come together. We need to observe and
listen to understand in a better way the things. “nonverbal
behavior often serves to clarify meaning by reinforcing verbal
 messages.”( O'Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., & Dixon, L. D.
2011. Pag.131)


     The characters of the show express emotion when they

hug each other, or in their eyes communicate expressions

and feelings, love. When someone did
something  their facial expression show that they are
angry, surprise, fear,  and interest.

If I saw a show that I know well ,I think I understand the same
 because I need to pay attention to the different gestures,
faces. If I don’t have audio, I think I try to understand what
they are doing and how they want to communicate.

Sometimes with a smile ,we could know that something
positive is happen, we communicate with our body, actions,
gestures, facial expressions, eye behavior. ”we communicate
 with many tools other than language”( O'Hair, D., Friedrich,
 G. W., & Dixon, L. D. 2011.pag.128).


     O'Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., & Dixon, L. D. (2011). Strategic communication in business and the professions. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Chapter 4, "Listening Skills" (pp. 94–121)