My little hand

My little hand
I want to share this picture, is the hand of my daugther.

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Consequences of stress on Children's Development


I want to share an experience I had with a frien that suffered domestic violence for her husband for many years and his 7 year old son was who suffered in their development.

  Living in a home where mother abuse is ocurring, and for the children grow in an environment with violence and fear, has many implications for cognitive ,phychological,emotional, social  and behavioural development:
  • He had a delayed language development he need to have a language terapist to speak well.
  • In the school he has difficult to learn and concentrate,so he had a poor academic performance.
  • He has anxious, and fearful and he do poop in her pants.
  • He became to be angry with his dad, and his peers.
  • He had low self-esteem.
All of this factors affects the children, his view of the world and of themselves, their ideas about the life his expectations about his future and their moral development. So this children had to have a psychological therapy and know he is better ,but  they still being worked on this case with the help of his family and the psychologist ,because the damage in the emotinal part of this children was affected."Children whose earlier experiences were stressful and who lacked nurturing caregivers may have impairments of their limbic systems."(Berber,2009).


More than 30 million children and adults across a swath of Africa face a devastating hunger crisis. Poor rainfall, crop failures and skyrocketing food prices and insecurity from Niger in the West to Kenya in the East have made it hard for parents to provide nutritious food for their children. Every day that young children go without eating the right nutritious foods puts them behind in their growth and development. What’s worse, it can weaken their immunity, making them vulnerable to killer diseases like diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia. We must stop hunger in Africa before it worsens, to help children survive and thrive.
In south Africa the undernutrition array of health problems in children, sometimes become chronic,extreme weight loss,weaken-ed resistence to infection,iron deficiency,vitamin A deficiency,zinc deficiency, and in the worts cases,early death.( the death rate from diseases such as lower respiratory infection,malaria,and measles.
Inadequate nutrition can also disrupt cognition,although in diferent ways.
Children with a history of malnutrition attained lower scores.
In Kenya and Malawi has found that some female-headed house holds with very low incomes have lower levels of preschool  malnutrition.

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Child Development and Public Health


I chose malnutrition, because I am just thinking that every night, almost one sixth of the world’s population goes to bed hungry .and every year, about 1 million children die from severe acute malnutrition.

Every year, 3.5 million children die due to malnutrition, while millions more suffer the devastating effects of hunger and poor nutrition. Poor nutrition, particularly during the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday can lead to lower IQ, lower educational performance, weakened immune systems, and can trap children and their families in a cycle of poverty. It is during this 1,000-day window that a child’s brain and body are most susceptible to the serious, often irreversible, damage caused by malnutrition.

Concern believes that the loss and suffering caused by hunger are utterly unacceptable in our time, especially because we know that solutions exist. Ensuring that adequate nutrition in the first years of life is essential to improving health and saving the lives of millions of children.
Malnutrition causes irreversible physical and mental stunting in one of every three children worldwide,one out of four children in developing countries is underweight.


  • Breastfeeding is important because protects babies (colustrum is a think yellow firts breast that is rich in nutrients and antibodies that protect the bay.
  • Mature milk has sugar,water,and protein to help your baby grow,breast milk is easier to digest for most babies.
  • The cells hormones and antibodies in breast milk protect babies from illness.
  • In breastfeeding "the physical contact" is so important to newborns ,it helps the babys feel more secure,warm,and comforted.
  • Breastfeeding lower risk of breast cancer,ovarian cancer,type 2 diabetes.


sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012



The birth of a child is a wonder.To keep those cheristed memories close to your heart.
 My first experience being a mom was one of the best moments in my life ,I went to an hospital in South America Ecuador I was treated there for a cesarean birth because my baby was sitting, I was quiet, and deep breathing,I wanted everything to go well when I was taken to the operating room and my daughter was born,it was one of the greatest thrills to hear her crying and then he was calmed when the doctor put her on my chest,I have tears of emotion .
How important is at this time to be calm and quiet to convey that calm to the unborn child, as it is a crucial moment in their development.

I choose my country Ecuador the people that lives in the camp,(indigenas), they prefered to have their births are at home,this is normal in their culture and traditions,they think this type of birth ( acentral delibery) prevents maternal death and premature newborn,because they said the procedure is quick and less painful,midwife attends them.(Family member or a professional)
Here we coul see the significance of culture, and how the people learn the differents roles they need to perform throughout their lives and traditions.( Sandra Smidt,2006).