Quotes: Maria Montessori
"Do not tell them how to do it.Show them how to do it and do not said a word.If you show them,they will want to do it themselves."Maria montesorri.
"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown,to grown under the heat of flaming imagination." Maria Montesorri.
Quotes: Jean Piaget
"The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done - men who are creative,inventive and discoverers." Jean Piaget.
"It is with children that we have the best chance of studying the development of logical knowledge,mathematical knowledge,physical knowledge,and so forth." Jean Piaget.
Quotes of motivation,passion,wisdom from early childhood professionals:
"Build in passion was important to make a real contribution in the world and to fix all the injusticies that existing in the world and I want to do that teaching." Louise Derman_Sparks.
"For me passion comes from one to make a different,to me making a different make me happy when the child be able to be succesful in the classroom." Raymond Hernandez.
"This is the treasure we need today ,helping the child become independent of us and make his way by himself,receiving in return his gifts of hope and light."Maria Montessori.
"The real preparation for education is the study of one's self.The training of the teacher is something far more than the learning of ideas.It includes the training of character: it is a preparation of the spirit." Maria Montesorri.